Read Alex Guarnaschelli's Advice Before Grilling Carrots

Grilling vegetables at a summer BBQ has become a common trend as of late, with Barbecue Bible noting that "vegetables benefit from a direct, high-heat grilling method" — with the exception of "dense root vegetables, like potatoes and turnips, that are best grilled by the indirect method or parboiled and finished over the fire."


According to Earmata, benefits of grilling vegetables include enhanced smokiness and caramelization in flavor, the ability to better hold their nutrients within the vegetable itself compared to other cooking methods, and the enhanced ability for the body to better absorb said nutrients. They also don't require added oil, which is a plus for those watching their figure.

But despite their healthy benefits, there are a handful of mistakes to look out for that might be made when grilling those veggies. According to The Kitchn, many people tend to forget seasoning ahead of grilling. A good amount also coat them in sugary sauces, which make them caramelize and burn. And the number-one mistake people tend to make is that they don't pre-cook hard vegetables. Alex Guarnaschelli has some advice for carrots that might help!


Root vegetables are rough

Harvard Health describes root vegetables as those that "grow underground at the base of a plant," with carrots falling into that category, known as a "tap root." Root vegetables, they say, are low in calories, high in antioxidants, and contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals. In an AMA on Twitter, Alex Guarnaschelli was asked if it is possible to grill a carrot instead of roasting. She responded that, yes, carrots can be grilled, but they have to be hydrated first. How does she suggest you do so? Braise them first, then throw them onto the grill for only a few minutes from there. 


The Chicago Tribune explains braising as the process of braising as "one of the classic methods of cooking" in which vegetables are cooked in liquid to provide moisture in cooking through heat, but with less water and more flavor than a steam or boil. To do so, they advise grabbing a heavy pan just big enough to hold the carrots, get it hot, and add some fat (butter or oil), add aromatics if you want, then add your carrots and your liquid (which can vary from plain water to more flavorful options like soup stock or broth). Once everything is in, let simmer until tender. And voila, your carrots are ready for the grill!

