Costco Japan's Unique Products Have American Fans Jealous

While there are some grocery stores and fast food chains that you can find across the world, there are usually items that are exclusive to each country. For example, at KFC locations in Singapore, you can find fried chicken "popsicles," and McDonald's in Italy has a bacon-inspired spin on its burger.


When it comes to Costco stores worldwide, there are also items that you can't get in the United States. Costco stores in Korea have enormous trays of sushi that had Costco fans in the United States craving fish, and it's no surprise that Costco stores in Japan have their own products you can't find in the United States. 

One Reddit post showing off the food court items available in Japan had shoppers wishing they could find the same snack in the States. One commenter wrote, "That looks sooo good. If I ever get to go back to Japan I'm putting a Costco on my list of places to visit!"

What can you get at a Costco in Japan?

Costco Japan's food court menu doesn't look incredibly different from what you might find in the United States, based on the photos that a Reddit user posted on the Costco subreddit. For example, you can still find ice cream sundaes, but Japan's comes in dark cherry. Costcos in the U.S. typically offer just chocolate and strawberry syrups (via Taste of Home). Wondering if Costco Japan has chicken bakes? You can find a bulgogi bake, and unfortunately, that's not going to be something you can find in the United States, but you can try making your own bulgogi at home.


Besides what's in the food court, there are other products you can't find in the United States, like trays of chirashizushi, vinegar drinks, and an alcoholic beverage with a cartoon drawing of Kumamon, the mascot of Japan's Kumamoto Prefecture, on the bottle. 

There are so many amazing foods from Japan we wish we would have more of in the United States. According to one Reddit commenter, Costco memberships are valid worldwide, so if you've got your membership card in your wallet, you can try these products if you're even in Japan! What food court item would you snag from Costco Japan?

