This Cutthroat Kitchen Mistake Changed The Show Forever

A popular show like "Cutthroat Kitchen" did not become a crowd favorite just like that. Per IMDB, the show that has been streaming since 2013 offers exciting twists and turns that keep its viewers hooked to their television sets. For example, participants on the show have to find clever ways to bounce back from sabotage while cooking their way through tough challenges on "Cutthroat Kitchen." 


Also, believe it or not, the show keeps a few things out of its final edits. Its host, Alton Brown, spoke about a particular incident that was not shown on television. He said, "A few weeks ago on 'Cutthroat Kitchen,' we had a young lady who cut herself badly enough that she had to be taken out of the competition." Brown added that they would never hide an incident like that on the show, but would not reveal "the actual moment of injury either."

As a TV show, the competition has definitely seen its share of highs and lows. Chew on this: Redditors have revealed a few theories on a specific episode that irked some of them and made them evaluate the show differently.

Viewers wished for a different outcome

Redditors and fans of "Cutthroat Kitchen" posted about an episode in the fourth season that followed a series of unexpected events. A judge on the show, Simon Majumdar, forgave an Italian contestant for preparing briskets and gravy for a food challenge instead of... well, biscuits and gravy. Instead, the other contestant got eliminated because of "poor execution." Some viewers did not like this development at all, while others understood the complexity of the situation. A Reddit user opined, "Such a great episode. It's a tough call to make in this situation as the contestant seemed to genuinely misunderstand the challenge."


Another fan of the show said that the best possible outcome would have been to hold another contest between the two participants to make things fair between them. However, they acknowledged that it was a tricky point in the show and wrote, "It was a difficult decision all around just as a viewer, and maybe the producers making a 'let's see how this plays out' call was for the best."

