You Should Think Twice Before Using A Single-Cup Coffee Maker. Here's Why

When it comes to plain and simple convenience, it is hard to beat single-cup coffee makers. Anyone who has ever used a Keurig or similar device can't deny how quick and easy they are to use. Simply fill the machine with water, pop a K-cup pod into the top, and push a button, and you'll have a steaming hot cup of coffee ready in just minutes. However, not everyone is on board with these new coffee makers. Quite a few people aren't ready to make the switch to the newer technology, and it turns out there are a few good reasons not to abandon your French press or drip coffee maker just yet.


Single-use coffee cups, such as K-cups, have already come under fire in recent years for their detrimental impact on the environment. According to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, the pods cannot be recycled, so they are simply used once and thrown away. They end up clogging up landfills and contributing to increased plastic pollution all over the world. But while the sustainability issue is certainly important, that's not the only reason why coffee lovers should avoid K-cups. In fact, true coffee snobs should eschew the single-use cups based simply on taste and quality alone. The simple fact is that — environmental impact aside — the cup of coffee that comes from a Keurig is just not as good as the coffee you would get from a more traditional method of brewing.


Single-use coffee pods contain stale coffee

These disposable pods are unlikely to deliver the perfect cup of Joe, because by the time the coffee is processed, packaged, and placed into the single-serving pods, it has have already lost its freshness. Coffee begins to go stale once it comes into contact with oxygen, but the coffee in K-cups must be pre-ground before they are placed inside the vacuum-sealed pods, according to Business Insider. Therefore, although the pods are designed to prevent oxidation, the taste and aroma of the coffee has likely already been affected before it even makes it inside the K-cup. The end result is a stale, bland cup of coffee that leaves much to be desired.


Even if the coffee was made from the most expensive beans in the world, its flavor would have already deteriorated by the time it reaches your mug. So the next time you reach for a K-cup to make your morning coffee, you might want to give it a second thought. If convenience is your main goal, then a Keurig will certainly live up to the task. However, if you want a fresh, quality cup of Joe that is better both for your taste buds and for the environment, it might be worth the couple extra minutes it takes to brew a cup the old-fashioned way.

