Chopped Fans Can't Stand This Judge

"Chopped" is a Food Network show hosted by Ted Allen, a food and wine specialist who began on "Queer Eye." The show features chefs creating three rounds of unique dishes (appetizer, entree and dessert) using items from eclectic baskets they are provided. It also features a rolling group of judges. including Aarón Sánchez, Alex Guarnaschelli, Amanda Freitag, Chris Santos, Geoffrey Zakarian, Maneet Chauhan, Marc Murphy, Marcus Samuelsson, and Scott Conant, among other guests.


And while, as Insider points out, the judges may be sick of certain dishes, fans are sick of some of them — one in particular. There is plenty out there about the "Chopped" judges if you do a little digging. But as for who the fans hate the most, well, for that, you'll have to take to the message boards. So exactly which of the judges gets the fans' vote for least favorite of the bunch?

Is your favorite everyone else's least?

Don't fret, the least liked judge isn't one of the regulars. Turns out, the fans have turned on Tiffani Faison, with one noting on Reddit that they see her as a "snobbish know-it-all who puts me in the mind if a cooking channel version of Meghan McCain. Which I am also not a fan of." They ask about her credentials, which are actually quite impressive. She is a former "Top Chef" contestant and "the chef/owner Of Sweet Cheeks, Tiger Mama, Fool's Errand and Orfano In Boston, MA" according to her Connect Group page.


It seems Tiffani was a regular judge at the start of "Chopped" and according to Cheatsheet, some fans even go so far as to change the channel when she appears on screen. But others, as Cheatsheet notes, admire her "honesty and directness." So here's hoping that things brighten up for the clearly talented and well known chef/judge!

