Why You Should Be Grilling Your Fish On Top Of Lemon Slices

As another summer approaches, a new season of grilling out promises to engage and delight the outdoor home cooks among us. It also promises to frustrate and vex us if our past experience with grilling fish is any indication. While we always approach the prospect of grilling seafood with the best of intentions, there always seems to be that inevitable moment when we go to turn that baby over, and it simply refuses to budge — leaving us with a mess to contend with, not to mention a mangled piece of fish that might taste great but isn't even vaguely Instagram-worthy.


But is that moment really and truly just inevitable? The truth is there are a number of tried-and-true methods of preventing fish from sticking to the grill. Unfortunately, not all of them will appeal to everyone. For example, Food Network suggests coating fish in mayonnaise before grilling as a way of preventing sticking. But that won't work if you don't like mayonnaise, or if, for whatever reason, you don't eat eggs. That's why the "barrier" method — placing something between the fish and the grill slats, such as a piece of aluminum foil, has more fans. That said, if you feel as if grilling your fish on foil kind of undermines your grilling experience, then read on because we're going to tell you why and how you should be grilling your fish on top of lemon slices. 


When life gives you lemons, use them to grill fish

"Fish will tend to stick and even break up when placed on the grill, but if you put it on top of lemon slices and grill it like that it will be much easier to prepare," according to Lifehack, and we could not agree more. If you've never tried grilling your fish on top of lemon slices, then what are you waiting for? Sure, the lemon slices may well stick to the grill, but scraping off lemon bits is a much easier cleaning job than scraping off fish bits. 


And, of course, your grilled fish will end up tasting of lemon. But isn't that actually a good thing? Fish and lemon go together like summer and grilling, after all. In fact, there's science to back that up, according to Chemistry Stack Exchange, which taught us that it is the acid in lemon that helps enhance fish's flavor and also eliminate any "fishiness." Sounds like a win-win. 

