What Chopped Judge Amanda Freitag Wished You Knew About The Show

As a television show "Chopped" has been a game changer for food competition related content. The series offers an exciting blend of drama, food, and cut-throat challenges as talented chefs try to impress the judges with their outstanding culinary skills, per Thrillist. However, filming the show is extremely taxing, since every episode takes as long as 12 hours to finish and has sometimes harsh criticism from the judges. 


The series often features experienced names in the food industry like chef, Amanda Freitag, who has been a regular on the show and was a part of its original line-up. The expert cook told PopSugar in an interview that the competition is really challenging to win. "It's a tough environment," Freitag explained. "Everyone is a little flustered. I've competed in that kitchen a couple of times. I can say it's incredibly hard." She added that participants have to make do with very little equipment and pantry items.

Being a judge on the show is no joke

According to Freitag, being a part of the show and appearing as a "Chopped" judge can be tough because she's very cheerful and easy-going in real life, but that's not obvious on the show where she often comes across as hard to please. "I get totally edited," Freitag told PopSugar. "I'm funny behind the scenes. I'm funny sometimes with the chefs. I think they capture those moments when I'm being stern. That's only one part of me." While she divulged that most of the time she's "fun-loving," the famous cook understands she has to play a more serious role as judge on the show. "It's hard," Freitag said. "I have to be a judge; I have to be intimidating and serious." 


However, the television personality explained she does enjoy the filming process and has had a lot of fun on the series as well. "I think what I love most about it is that it never gets old," Freitag told the Food Network. "You never know what's going to happen." She added that each day is never the same and that's what ultimately keeps her coming back for more.

