Rachael Ray Wishes People Would Stop Asking This Question

Rachael Ray has worked hard in the culinary world and has been blessed in the process for her dedication and determination. The celebrity chef, who eschews the term because she did not go to culinary school, found initial fame and stardom through her Food Network show, "30 Minute Meals." But that was just the beginning for the cookbook author, magazine editor, and lifestyle talk show host. Yep, she does it all. Ray has definitely become an important fixture for at-home cooks who find her cooking style accessible and attainable, and we love her for it. 


But what is even more admirable is Ray's commitment to giving back to causes that are near and dear to her heart, as well as to those that impact communities across the country. Ray has used her voice to advocate for changing the way families eat through her Yum-o nonprofit, which partnered with the Food Bank for New York City to create a PSA, and joined AARP's Drive to End Hunger campaign. She also has a soft spot for animals and created a non-profit to support at-risk animals, while supporting various pet projects of other nonprofits (via Look to the Stars). Ray really walks the talk. But when you are a celebrity, sometimes you are asked questions that you find rude or just wish people wouldn't ask. Ray is no different, and there is one particular inquiry she wishes people would just stop quizzing her about.


The question can be rude

Rachael Ray is a strong supporter of offering students healthy and nutritious meals and empowering families with the proper knowledge they need to make the right choices for their families. This is evident when you look at the mission of Yum-o and its amazing work. Ray's passion to help Bothe the young and old eat healthy is contagious. During a chat with actor and comedian Justin Long on his podcast "Life is Short," Ray shared her philosophy that we each have a role to play in our communities and encouraged listeners to get involved. In fact, she told Long people just need to ask their community institutions what they can do to help. Ray urged, "Ask your school in your community what you can do. They will take a garden ... They will take your advice."


Ray went on to share that people, even though they may be well-intentioned, can ask some discourteous questions about her advocacy for youth and healthy eating. Ray explained to Long, "The thing is, people say to me all the time — and I find it really insulting actually — people say to me all the time, 'Why do you care about school food? You don't have kids.' Yeah, but I'm an American." Well said, Rachael Ray. 

