Is It True Breyers Ice Cream Doesn't Melt?

Not all scientific research has the heroic aims of tackling climate change or curing deadly diseases. Quite a lot of it — such as studying vampire trees or hunting for the Loch Ness Monster's DNA (via Live Science) — is a considerably baffling use of time.


Perhaps the brains of boffins would be better utilized in the endeavors of making everyday life ever so slightly less stressful. Toast that doesn't go cold would be a great development, for instance. As would ice cream that never melts — just think of all the childhood (and adulthood) tears that would be saved by achieving such a noble quest.

Fortunately, this prospect may not be completely removed from reality (if internet rumors are to be believed, anyway, and when have they ever been wrong?) According to the supposedly highly factual delights of one YouTube video (that in no way could be considered scaremongering), Breyers ice cream doesn't melt.

Not all frozen dairy is as natural as ice cream

The video, which has amassed more than 6 million views worldwide, suggested that a tub of Breyers vanilla ice cream would not melt even if it had been sat at room temperature for a day (the uploader, Mr EastCoastMan, intimated this could be because the ice cream contained "modified milk"). Great shock was also portrayed in the video when ice cream left out for 10 days had developed mold.


However, the claims that Breyers ice cream doesn't melt have been smashed apart. An investigation by Snopes clarified that the vanilla-flavored product under review was actually a frozen dairy dessert, not ice cream. Frozen dairy desserts do not have to include as many natural ingredients as ice creams (via The New York Times), and oftentimes add in chemicals that alter the melting process, but they are considered safe to eat (via Snopes).

It may be a pity that the only way of creating indestructible ice cream is to stop it from actually being ice cream, but hope still exists. In Japan, a revelation was made when a natural component of strawberries was found to solidify dairy products (via Mold). Ambitions of a world without soggy ice cream cones may yet be realized.


