This Could Be The Reason Your Cookies Are Still Raw Inside

Baking cookies can be fun and relaxing, but no one ever promised it would be easy. In fact, quite a lot of things can go wrong. For example, even after following a recipe to the letter, your cookies could still turn out crumbly and dry if you're making the mistake of measuring your flour by volume, rather than by weight. Or perhaps you never realized that to get your cookies to the perfect, chewy-crisp consistency, there may be a very strong argument for chilling the dough between mixing it and baking it. And that would appear to bring us to another potential cookie-baking pitfall: the issue of undercooked cookies. 


Sure, no one wants a rock-hard, cooked-all-the-way-through cookie; if we did, we could simply buy ourselves a package of Chips Ahoy. But isn't it the worst is when you've pulled a batch of freshly-baked cookies from the oven, let it cool for the requisite time, and carefully tried to lift them off the cookie sheet with a spatula, only to discover they're falling apart because they're still raw inside? While you might be inclined to blame it on the fact that you took our advice and chilled your cookie dough, the fact is that there's another reason your cookies might be raw inside.

If your cookies are still raw inside, it could have to do with your equipment

Cookie-baking, like all baking, is as much a science as it is an art (via LifeHacker), and if your oven's temperature is off by even just a degree or two, it could very well impact whether and to what extent your home-baked cookies cook through. So, if you've been noticing that your home-baked cookies tend to be a bit raw on the inside, the first thing you'll want to check out is whether your oven is actually heating to the temperature you've set it to.


Simply pop an oven thermometer into your preheated oven, and read the temperature. If it's not as high as you what you set your oven to, then your oven's internal thermometer is likely not calibrated properly, according to JSM, a Cooking Stack Exchange contributor. In that case, you may want to increase your baking time by a little longer, according to Great British Baking Show judge Paul Hollywood's website. It's also possible that your oven is heating to the desired temperature, but that you're allowing heat to escape by opening the oven door too frequently. In this case, try to be conscious of how often you open it and allow it to reheat if needed.

