Giada De Laurentiis' Favorite DIY Body Scrub Is Made With Only 3 Ingredients

People as successful as Giada De Laurentiis can, and often do, have the best of everything, from incredible homes to the best beauty products.

That's why Giada's Instagram post about her favorite DIY body scrub caught our attention. If this busy superstar uses a simple, home-made concoction to keep her skin fresh and glowing amidst filming multiple television shows, writing cookbooks, running restaurants, and raising a daughter, we'd be crazy not to try it!


The scrub contains just three ingredients: Cane sugar, lemon essential oil, and olive oil.

In taking a closer look at the ingredients, Giada doesn't explain why she calls for cane sugar specifically, but, according to Southern Living, cane sugar has a slightly larger grain than granulated sugar, so it's safe to assume the chef chooses it for its exfoliative properties. The second ingredient is lemon essential oil, and as you watch the Instagram video, it's easy to imagine how great this scrub is starting to smell. Finally, Giada adds some extra virgin olive oil. Two tablespoons helps create a sand-like texture when added to the sugar, and EVOO is the perfect moisturizer to soothe skin as you exfoliate.


Giada's body scrub has benefits beyond glowing skin

Giada De Laurentiis says she buys all of the ingredients for her DIY lemon body scrub in bulk because she goes through a jar of the stuff every week! In the shower, after rubbing it into your skin, simply wipe it off with a damp cloth, says the Food Network star. Giada promises you'll emerge from the shower smelling "citrusy and summery" thanks to the essential oil.


Giada fans watching her body scrub video might think: "Hey, this 'recipe' sounds familiar." That's probably because the "flavor" profile of this scrub sounds a lot like that of her Almond Citrus Olive Oil Cake! The ingredient list for the highly-rated dessert (via Food Network) includes sugar, lemon zest, and, of course olive oil. We don't know if Giada came up with the body scrub idea while making this delicious cake, but it's not a stretch to imagine that this was her inspiration.

A side note: We like this body scrub because not only does lemon essential oil smell great, it has other benefits, too. According to Healthline, lemon essential oil, applied to the skin or diffused and inhaled, may help reduce anxiety and depression, ease morning sickness, and relieve pain. (Warning: As yummy as lemon essential oil smells, Healthline reminds us that it is not safe to ingest essential oils.)


But for a DIY skin regimen, these ingredients do the trick. What a deliciously aromatic, inexpensive, and simple potion for glowing summer skin.

