This Is The Healthiest Way To Prepare Hot Wings

Why is it that so many of the foods we enjoy eating the most are more often than not unhealthy? All we want is some comfort food that won't make us feel terrible afterwards, is that too much to ask for? Fortunately, people are getting more and more creative with finding ways to "healthify" traditionally less-than-good-for-you foods, like protein mug cakes, pasta made from legumes, and pretty much all things cooked in the air-fryer. Even pizza can be a healthy choice with simple toppings and a thin crust, according to Insider


One of our favorite game day foods and weekend pleasures, the classic hot wing, sometimes gets a bad reputation for being an unhealthy choice. However, even these delicious snacks can be prepared in a healthy way that transforms them from a meal loaded with carbs and fats into a high-protein option you can enjoy without feeling too guilty about it.

Making healthy hot wings is surprisingly simple

Lindsay Wandzilak, a certified trainer, nutritionist, and founder of The Daily, commented on some of the healthier ways to prepare hot wings in an article for Delish. "Cook these high-protein treats cleanly with homemade, sugarless seasoning," she explained. Additionally, skip the buttery buffalo sauce and try a Cajun rub or even a homemade marinade of your own devising. Wandzilak recommends rubbing the seasoning on the skin yourself, and then baking, grilling, or air-frying the wings as opposed to deep-frying them or crisping them up in oil. 


Furthermore, without any of the heavy breading or oil, you'll find that these delicious chicken wings are healthy snacks with plenty of protein. This recipe from Healthy Recipes suggests making a simple rub with paprika, black pepper, and garlic powder, then baking them in the oven at a high heat to achieve the desired crisp. Serve them up with some cut veggies and ranch or bleu cheese sauce and you've got yourself a perfect tailgate snack!

