Germany Has Bad News For Beer Fans

When the pandemic shut down the world last year, beer fans everywhere held out hope that restrictions would loosen and government efforts could get the virus under control by Oktoberfest 2020. Due to the extreme risk, the official Oktoberfest organizers had to shutter the festival, an event attended by over six million revellers each year (via Oktoberfest). Festival-goers held out hope that with the emergence of a vaccine, the German government would lift restrictions and let everyone celebrate the season with world-famous beer.


Unfortunately, the German government has once again cancelled this massive folk festival. According to Food & Wine, the bavarian celebration of beer, sausages, and good times has once again been put on pause due to the risk of coronavirus. Organizers supported the decision, fearing issues centered around the enforcement of mask measures and social distancing. With others worried that holding the celebration could tarnish the international image of the event, you shouldn't expect to see the festival return until at least 2022. The announcement comes on the heels of a massive third wave of cases in Germany, while social gatherings and a new lockdown remain in place until at least June.

A beer hiatus for another year

Organizers can't wait to hold the festival once conditions improve and plan to make next year's celebration bigger than ever. According to USA Today, beer fanatics across Bavaria hosted small Oktoberfest-style gatherings during the fall of last year, and similar festivities might pop up again during this season. The decision to cancel this year's festival took careful consideration, but those responsible preferred to cut their losses up front. They decided to avoid greater financial loss, rather than waiting until later in the summer and having rented all the tents and spaces, only to receive notification from the local government that the festival couldn't assemble.


If you love attending Oktoberfest, just make sure to hang on a bit longer. As Europe continues mulling over letting vaccinated Americans into the continent, the wait to celebrate and travel has almost come to an end. With a bit of patience, the time will come when you can sit back with a large mug of beer in Munich and enjoy Oktoberfest 2022.

