The Truth About Ina Garten And Michelle Obama's Relationship

Fans of Ina Garten have likely heard of her dream dinner party guest list, which she told Time in 2017. Among those on her list were her husband and best friend, as well as three notable celebrities. Garten said she would love to have Taylor Swift, Julia Child, and Michelle Obama at her table. But, as it turns out, Julia Child might be the only dream guest on that list since Garten has actually gotten to cook or eat with both Swift and Obama (via People). 


It's no secret that Obama loves all things healthy eating and gardening. From her White House initiatives as first lady to her latest children's television show on Netflix, Waffles + Mochi, Obama is dedicated to teaching others about healthy foods. It is no wonder Garten would like to spend time with the former first lady, and that's likely why they do share a friendship.

Ina Garten and Michelle Obama are actually friends who see each other on occasion

The truth of Ina Garten and Michelle Obama's relationship is that they share a friendship over food. If you have not been paying close attention over the past several years, though, you might have missed it. In 2016, Obama made an appearance on a one-hour television special, "Barefoot in Washington," in which Garten cooked with the White House chef (via Tasting Table). Afterward, Garten joined Obama for tea. 


Just a year later, in 2017, the pair met up again for lunch at the Mark Hotel's restaurant in New York City, according to The Daily Meal. From sharing a meal in New York to catching up at the White House, the two clearly enjoyed lighter menus at both get togethers. In Washington, D.C., Garten made salad wraps with a feta dressing and vegetable tarts and the Mark Hotel's restaurant is known to have healthier fare, too. Needless to say, fans of both women would no doubt love to see them break bread together more often.

