You Should Never Refrigerate Honey. Here's Why

There's not a lot of food honey doesn't pair nicely with. Fruit, biscuits, peanut butter, hot tea, pretzels (don't knock it until you try it), and much more. Additionally, raw honey can be a great source of antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin C, and minerals, according to the Cleveland Clinic. When it comes down to it, raw honey always ranks superior, especially when it comes to nutritional content.


The Spruce Eats says honey is "one of the easiest" items to store in your kitchen, and based on their evidence, they aren't wrong. Unlike most condiments or toppings, honey does not need to be stored in the refrigerator after opening. Actually, when honey is stored in colder places like a fridge, bad things happen.

Being a thicker substance, honey will firm up or solidify when placed in chilly temperatures, meaning you'll be stuck having to "melt" the honey back to its spreadable state every time you want to use it. The Spruce Eats suggests you're much better off storing bottled honey in a cool-ish area (a cabinet is perfect) that won't be exposed to direct sunlight.

What is honey's shelf life?

As it is a natural sweetener, you'll find honey doesn't expire within a week of opening like many food items do. And, the good news is, as long as you're following the right storage protocol, you'll more than likely be able to get through a jar of honey in its entirety before its best by date creeps up on you.


Of course, this is only valid if honey is stored correctly: in an airtight container and not in a fridge. The Spruce Eats doesn't recommend transferring your store bought honey from its original container to a new one; however, it can be done as long as it's able to be sealed shut. The biggest thing you need to keep in mind is that honey can only be kept in glass or plastic, not metal, as it will oxidize.

The National Honey Board reports that honey can be edible for decades, but that doesn't mean it will keep its fresh aroma, flavor, or sweetness. If you do what is recommended, you should never have to throw out unused honey. On the flip side, if your honey is turning a weird color or has a stale stench to it, you can always toss it out and replenish your stash out of precaution.


