Read This Before Putting Oil On Your Grill Grates

When it's time to get the grill ready to use for that first unseasonably warm spring evening, one of the first things you do is examine the grates to ensure they are in good shape and working order to leave those searing marks on your meats and vegetables that lets your family know you grilled for them. Steaks, chicken, burgers, and hot dogs taste so much more glorious when they are cooked on the grill than any other way in our humble opinion.


But if you are among the many who have been oiling your grill grates to keep all those tasty foods from sticking to them, then you might want to think again. We know a lot of people are fans of wiping down those grates with oil, but there is actually a condiment in your refrigerator, or perhaps an unopened bottle in your pantry, that will change the way you grill as well as the taste of the food items you are cooking up once you eschew oiling and try using this ingredient instead. What is the condiment? If you guessed mayo, then winner, winner, chicken dinner, of course, grilled using mayo (via L.A. Times).

Mayo is your secret weapon for the grill

How does mayo enhance your grilled foods? The Daily Meal shares that there are three reasons mayo should be your go-to secret weapon when you grill. The site notes that it will prevent your foods from sticking to the grates, but it will also add flavor and tang to your foods, and help your favorite rub and seasonings stick to your meats and vegetables. They go on to explain that a simple brush to rub a little on your favorite cut of steak will act just like butter, locking in the moisture, resulting in a juicy, succulent piece of grilled meat.


The L.A. Times goes into a little more depth and shares that mayo is superior to oil when it comes to grilling because mayo will actually help brown your meat chemically, as opposed to oil, which is only able to brown it through heat. Greg Blonder, professor of product design and engineering at Boston University and co-author of Meathead Goldwyn's cookbook, "Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling," explained how it works to the outlet, "Mayonnaise acts like little time-release oil capsules, and you can put it on thick. And the emulsifiers like to stick to the meat." Goldwyn shared that the mayo really acts well as a baste, helping your meat retain its moisture as it evaporates while cooking. So, the next time you decide to fire up the grill, skip the oil and reach for the mayo.


