These Are The Trader Joe's Items Nutritionists Swear By

You either are or aren't a Trader Joe's person, and by that we mean you either live by one and love it dearly, or there probably isn't one in your area. 

If you fall into the former category, The Beet rounded up a list of products that nutritionists absolutely love and can't get enough of. While everyone seems to have their own list of Trader Joe's must-haves (if you're already a connoisseur of cauliflower gnocchi and cookie butter, check out this New York Times article for more tasty items), these are some healthy items that have been given the stamp of approval from actual nutritionists. You really can't get a higher endorsement for a food that's good for you than from the people who have made a career out of nutrition, right? If they say it's healthy, it's probably healthy. All of the items listed are vegan, so they're perfect for anyone with dietary restrictions or looking to incorporate more plant-based foods into their life.


Boxed cookie mix made the list of items

The first item on The Beet's list of nutritionist-friendly Trader Joe's items is jicama wraps, which can be substituted for taco shells or sandwich wraps. Amy Gorin, owner of Plant-Based Eats in Connecticut, tells The Beet "you're getting fiber, vitamins, and minerals from the vegetable." Next up is trusty organic hummus, which has long been a favorite of health nuts (and pretty much everyone). Trisha K. Best at Balance One Supplements swears by the beef-less ground beef, saying Trader Joe's plant-based meat products "don't leave me concerned for unwanted added ingredients." 


The frozen misto alla griglia is a favorite healthy option, too. This is a blend of marinated and grilled eggplant, bell peppers, and zucchini, and it's super easy to add to any dish for some quick veggies. Next on the lineup is the broccoli and kale pizza crust, which only has eight ingredients (via Real Simple). We love pizza, but healthy pizza is something we can totally get behind. The final two are boxed mixes: almond flour chocolate chip cookie mix and boxed falafel mix. Both are easy to make and don't contain any ingredients that can cause sensitivities, like dairy and wheat. Time to head to TJ's and stock up!

