The Internet Is Divided On These Bacon-Wrapped Oreos

Take a moment to chew on this thought — Oreos creme-filled chocolate cookie sandwiches wrapped in thinly-sliced bacon and then grilled to perfection. Don't spend too much time imagining it, however, because Oreo has done the work for you. The cookie giant recently posted a photo of precisely that, along with the caption, "No doubt these bacon-wrapped OREO cookies will hit every snack craving that comes your way" (via Instagram). No doubt? Ah, Oreo, how you underestimate the growing sophistication of the American palate. 


While there are plenty of people that think there's nothing in the world that can't be made better with bacon, there are also those who fully disagree. According to The Washington Post, the world became obsessed with bacon in 2013 and the publication wondered if it were time for the madness to end. Not surprisingly, the internet is sharply divided on the notion of bacon-wrapped Oreos, as evidenced by the more than 24,000 likes Oreo's Insta-post garnered, contrasted with the user comments that ranged from "Omg nooo" to "the concept sounds nasty af, but might be still good." 

The internet's division on the topic of bacon-wrapped Oreos should not surprise Oreo

Perhaps Oreo should have known better. This is certainly not the first time that bacon-wrapped Oreos have divided the internet. Less than a year ago, in October 2020, former member of the Minnesota House of Representatives, Kelly Fenton caused a stir when she posted a photo on Twitter of a big ole pile of Oreo cream-filled cookies wrapped in thick slices of bacon meat that she had grilled up on her wood-fired grill, according to Joe. Twitter immediately went hog wild, and not necessarily in a productive way. 


For example, one Twitter user replied, "Looks like some kind of Lovecraftian monster." That was probably the most polite and least political criticism in the thread. Other Twitter users tried skewing the conversation toward animal rights, the need for universal healthcare, and the negative stereotypes that some people believe Europeans have of Americans. Still others were completely down with it, including Fenton's former Minnesota House of Representatives colleague, Tony Jurgens, who had just two words, "Game changer" (via Joe). 

