Coors Wants You To Drink Hard Seltzer Instead Of Showering. Here's Why

Coors has a habit of making us work for their promotions. Last winter, the brand encouraged us to make a drinking buddy out of snow or yard debris for a chance to win a fully stocked beer fridge and a winter wonderland, complete with snow and holiday decorations (via Adweek). Coors has struck back with another outlandish challenge, albeit in the spirit of helping the environment.


In a press release sent to Mashed, Coors claims that Americans use 120 gallons of water a week from showering alone and by drinking Coors seltzer, we can do our part to reduce water waste. Thanks to the brand's collaboration with Change the Course, each 12-pack of Coors Seltzer we buy goes towards restoring 500 gallons of water to U.S. rivers. Coors even plans to restore up to 5 billion gallons of river water with the NGO by the end of 2021. You might ask how we can do our part in this whole scheme. Coors has a simple answer – skip showers for a while and put your money towards this project to help conserve water at home and return water where we need it.

Coors has a mission that only seltzer can solve

This latest promotion falls in line with Coors's larger plan to help reduce its impact on the environment. According to PR Newswire, Coors embarked on a plan last year to make its seltzer "water neutral" and put its profits towards restoring America's river water reserves. With a goal of 5 billion gallons of water returned to rivers nationwide, each sale of Coors seltzer 12-packs goes towards footing the bill for this endeavor. Even after this promotion ends, we can keep doing our part for the earth by buying these seltzers. 


Coors also wants us to reshare the hashtag #ForTheRivers this Thursday for Earth Day on the brand's social media channel for a chance to win some discounted seltzers, according to the press release shared with Mashed. With any luck, we can bring home a 12-pack we feel good indulging in. If you love a good hard seltzer, you can't go wrong with Coors's mission to save some water and keep us from showering. Show your love for the earth by forgoing that bath this week and pick up some of their seltzer instead.

