You've Been Storing Arugula Wrong This Whole Time

Steve Martin fans might not be able to pick up a bunch of arugula from the grocery store without thinking about the actor's memorable line in "My Blue Heaven," when he informs the manager what arugula is: "It's a vegetable" (via YouTube). Unlike the store manager, if you often cook with arugula (also called rocket, rucola, and roquette), then you are already familiar with the characteristics the green is well-known for: It's peppery, crunchy, firmer than some lettuces, and easy to prepare (via The Atlantic). But do you know the best way to store it?


As Glad notes, there are a few key steps to preserve arugula before you use it. Once you get your arugula home, you should wrap it unwashed in paper towels. Then, put the wrapped arugula into a plastic bag. Lastly, place it in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. Using this method, arugula should keep fresh for up to two days. When you are ready to use it, take it out and wash it before eating it. Need some arugula inspo? Food Network has an easy salad recipe from Tyler Florence with ingredients salad dreams are made of: olive oil, lemon, and parmesan cheese!

What about bagged or cooked arugula?

Buying bagged arugula is the easiest option because there is no need to take it out of the bag before putting it into the refrigerator, and it lasts longer. According to Virginia Cooperative Extension, leafy greens can keep for three to seven days. Also, if you're wondering if you should wash bagged salads like this at home, it turns out it might not make it any cleaner, according to Michelle Annette Smith, a food safety expert with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration who spoke with Business Insider.


Although raw arugula is delicious, it's not the only way it can be prepared. It can also be cooked, like in this simple recipe from Martha Stewart. If you end up with some leftover cooked arugula, Healthline reports that most cooked vegetables can keep for three to seven days in the refrigerator. If you're a huge arugula fan and are hoping to stock up by storing it in the freezer, New Entry Sustainable Farming Project recommends blanching and then freezing. Also, according to Kitchn, you can grow it indoors which might be a suitable arugula-stocking up solution for green thumbs!

