This Is The Worst Type Of Cooking Oil For You

If you don't have a bunch of different types of cooking oils in your pantry, are you even a cook? Because if there's anything you should know about cooking is that you'll definitely need options. It's not uncommon to have an assortment of various cooking oils ranging from half empty avocado oil bottles to barely-there olive oil containers taking up semi-permanent residence in your kitchen. But if you consider yourself to be an amateur at-home chef, well, keeping multiple options on deck is crucial to cooking that perfect stir-fry in your favorite wok or making your signature dressing for that tasty summer salad. 


Whatever your go-to cooking oil may be, the cruel truth is that there are some oils that are just not that great for you. But the real question is, which oil is the worst? Well, that is all based on what you're cooking as some dishes require different oils and various amounts. And, as Everyday Health explains, some oils are meant to be used sparingly, while others can be consumed more liberally. Here's what you should know.

This is the worst type of cooking oil you can use

Depending on who you ask (nutrition or cooking experts) the worst cooking oil to use can vary and it's hard to point at just one so-called "bad" oil. According to TIME, a lot of it can be attributed to an oil's smoke point, which occurs when oil starts burning and smoking depending on its heat exposure. If you happen to overheat the oil past its smoke point, not only can it affect the flavor, but it can also release free radicals — which are incredibly harmful. Fortunately, oils have different smoke points that are useful for baking, deep frying, or simply cooking something light. Per TIME, the best way to go is using oils that are not refined or overly processed.


Not to mention, some oils are packed with high saturated fats, like coconut oil, and others, like peanut oil, have high amounts of monounsaturated fats (via TIME). Whichever oil you decide to use, just make sure it aligns with the type of cooking you'll be doing and always remember that a little goes a long way.

