Amanda Freitag's Simple Trick Solves This Classic Deviled Eggs Problem

While she shares her expertise plenty on television, chef and Chopped judge Amanda Freitag also frequently gives her fans tips on her Instagram page as part of her online cooking tutorial series, Easy AF. In a recent Instagram video, Freitag shared a simple trick designed to address a particularly irritating problem with deviled eggs. As fans of the dish may know, the rounded bottom of the egg white means that when loaded up, the top-heavy eggs can sometimes wobble around on the plate or serving platter. If you go to all the effort of creating a delectable mixture with the egg yolks, carefully piping it into the egg white shell, you certainly don't want your hard work to just topple over and become a mess.


The secret to avoiding it couldn't be more simple. As Freitag demonstrated in her short cooking tutorial, all you need to do is cut a very small portion of the egg white off the bottom of each egg (prior to filling them, that is). The simple cut will yield a small flat section, ensuring that your prepared deviled eggs stay wobble-free as you serve them. The tip also helps during the filling process, making your job a bit easier as you pipe in your prepared mixture.

Food agrees with Freitag, suggesting the same tip for keeping your eggs tidy if serving them on a plate or platter.

A few more tips for the perfect deviled eggs

While the typical attitude towards ingredients is the fresher, the better, that's not necessarily the case if you're making deviled eggs. Older eggs are a bit easier to peel (via Taste of Home), which will ensure a more polished final product. To determine the freshness of your eggs, simply place one in water; fresh eggs will lie horizontally, while older (but still edible) eggs will stand upright. If it floats to the surface of the water? It's gone bad and shouldn't be consumed (via Southern Living).


Once cooked, to ensure your egg white base is as perfect as possible, chef Brooke Smith suggests that after the initial crack of the shell, you gently roll the egg between your hands in order to make the peeling process easier (via Eat This, Not That!). Or, if you're looking to mix up your presentation in a chef-approved manner, chefs Thomas Dunklin and Kyle Rourke have a suggestion that incorporates Freitag's tip. Deviled eggs are traditionally sliced lengthwise, creating narrow boats for your yolky filling. However, Dunklin and Rourke propose cutting the egg horizontally so that it can be more easily eaten. To stabilize the horizontally-sliced egg, they suggest cutting a small portion off the bottom, just as Freitag did.


Curious about a more vibrant presentation than the standard white-and-yellow color scheme? Marinate the cooked, hard-boiled eggs in a colorful substance such as beet or carrot juice for a unique presentation (via Real Simple).

