Can You Drink Tea If You're Pregnant?

Pregnancy can bring on many wonderful and unique changes to one's body. From a growing belly to increased sensitivity to smells, a pregnant person's body suddenly becomes the home for two people. With that major change to the body comes a decreased immune system, per American Pregnancy Association, which means that pregnant folks need to be mindful of what they eat. 


What does that mean for people who are pregnant? Well, they need to steer clear of things like the raw fish in sushi, the protein-breaking enzyme in pineapples, and even most teas. While tea is seen as a healthy and immune-boosting beverage by many, there are some properties in it that can be harmful to the growing baby that is in the belly, as both Healthline and Penn Medicine report. Healthline explains that while tea is natural, pregnant people should limit their overall intake of some teas in order to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

While some herbal teas are safe, non-herbal teas need to be avoided

So how do you know which teas you should and shouldn't have? American Pregnancy Association breaks down teas into two distinct categories: herbal teas and non-herbal teas. Under non-herbal teas, all the teas fall under two further subcategories, black teas (which include English breakfast and Earl Grey) and green teas. American Pregnancy Association also notes that oolong teas should also be avoided due to them being a combination of both black and green teas. 


Insider cites that while pregnant people should drink tea sparingly, options like ginger tea are okay to take for morning sickness. The publication does note that folks should avoid both peppermint and chamomile tea during their first trimester as they could be harmful to the baby. Raspberry or red leaf teas are a no-go as well, but are said to be great for postpartum consumption as they are rich in calcium (via Insider). What about teas that are made from spices like cinnamon and licorice? Insider says to avoid those at all costs to lessen any chance of pregnancy complications.

