Coconut Oil Vs. Avocado Oil: Which Is Better For You?

Avocado oil and coconut oil are both popular options in the alternative oil world. So which is better for you? That depends on what you're looking for.

As Time Magazine explains, there is some debate on how "healthy" coconut oil is, citing its high level of saturated fat. In an interview with Time, Liz Weinandy, a registered dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, said that coconut oil is neither the superfood it is sometimes made out to be or a definite no-no for a healthy diet. A Sweet Pea Chef adds that there are some benefits to coconut oil, being that its content of fatty acids can potentially stimulate more fat burning in the body.


Avocado oil, according to Time, may be the overall healthier choice. The oil boasts vitamin E, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fats are considered the heart-healthier choice and recommended by the American Heart Association (via While all fats share same the caloric value of nine calories per gram, explains that mono and polyunsaturated fats have been show to have a positive impact on health, while saturated and trans fats can have a negative impact. A Sweet Pea Chef breaks it down like this: The unsaturated fats in avocado oil can not only improve cholesterol levels, but assist in the absorption of "carotenoids antioxidants" (aka the compound responsible for making fruits and veggies vibrant hues of orange, red and yellow that acts as antioxidants in humans, according to Healthline).


The pros and cons beyond health

Beyond health alone, there are pros and cons to each oil. The truth is that coconut oil may be harder on the heart, but it is easier on the budget, as avocado oil tends to be expensive, says Time. When it comes to cooking, coconut oil tastes, well, like coconut. It's not as neutral in flavor as avocado oil, meaning it may impart some flavor to whatever food you cook in it, according to A Sweet Pea Chef. The oils also have very different smoke point. If you're cooking hot, opt for avocado, which has a smoke point of 520°F. For low and slow, coconut oil — with a smoke point of 350°F — is fine, says A Sweet Pea Chef.


Bottom line: the body needs both unsaturated and saturated fats (via Time), so choose whichever oil suits your fancy. But if you're watching your saturated fat levels, reach for avocado oil.

