This Is The Best Grind Size For Cold Brew Coffee

We're just going to come right out and say it — grind size matters. Seriously though, if you're using the wrong grind size for your coffee beans, all sorts of things could go wrong. Your coffee could come out too bitter, too watery, or it might even get stuck and not come out at all — and that's just to name a few potential mishaps. And let's be honest, no one likes bad coffee. So, let's talk about what grind size you should be using to make great coffee. More specifically, great cold brew coffee.


Ah, cold brew. Some people say it's the superior, less acidic version of iced coffee. But before we get into how to choose the best grind size to make it, we need to clear up the difference between the former and the latter. Iced coffee is made by brewing regular hot coffee, then either refrigerating it or adding ice afterward. Cold brew, on the other hand, is made without any heat at all. The magic happens when you let your coffee grounds steep in cold filtered water for around 12 hours. "During this time, the coffee slowly infuses into the water, creating a strong, concentrated brew," says Simply Recipes.

The secret to an extra-smooth cup of cold brew

If you use the wrong-sized coffee grounds when making cold brew, you might find yourself with over-infused or gritty coffee as a result. The secret to making deliciously smooth cold brew is using coarsely ground beans. "Using a coarser grind will make the filtration process easier and your coffee taste far less bitter," says Kicking Horse Coffee. "Grinding too fine can heat up the grounds, which can negatively affect your cup."


Some other ways to make sure you're getting the best cold-brewed cup o' joe? Always use cold filtered water and don't steep the coarse grounds less than 12 hours — even if you're really excited to try some (trust us, it's worth the wait). A good rule of thumb is to steep it between 12 and 15 hours. Another pro tip? If you're feeling creative, create a homemade tea bag to infuse the coffee instead of mixing your coffee with water. "We used a double filtration method," says Kicking Horse Coffee. "First we tied up our coffee in a paper filter. Then we put the wrapped coffee in a nut bag, the kind you use when making almond milk at home. The result is a very clean bright cup of cold brew coffee."


