This Is The Most Overrated Snack, According To Chrissy Teigen

As defined by Merriam-Webster, a snack is a light meal, or food eaten between regular meals. Whether you're reaching for a snack mid-morning, mid-afternoon, or even post-dinner, everyone has their go-to quick bite. Maybe you're someone who opts for a heartier snack, like a granola bar or a handful of mixed nuts. Maybe you're someone who likes something salty, like cheese and crackers or a bag of pretzels. Or maybe you're someone with a sweet tooth and prefers a fruity smoothie or — when you're feeling indulgent — a chocolate bar.


Even celebrities satisfy their snack cravings. Blake Lively loves cupcakes, for instance (via ELLE), while Martha Stewart admits to having a thing for individually-wrapped American cheese slices. While Chrissy Teigen has previously tweeted about her love of "night eggs," there's also one snack that the former supermodel thinks is very overrated. Here's the food that you'll never catch Mrs. Legend noshing on, no matter the time of day.

Chrissy Teigen isn't a fan of hummus

Having published two best-selling cookbooks (Cravings and Cravings: Hungry for More), Chrissy Teigen is famously a foodie. So it's a little bit surprising that she apparently can't stand hummus — the popular Mediterranean spread made of chickpeas, tahini, and other spices. "I am the only one in the world that does not like hummus," she tweeted in 2009 (via CheatSheet). Her hatred of hummus didn't end there, either. Insider reports that she went on to call it "the most over-rated snack-category food alive" and "flavorless paste" in later tweets. She got back on her chickpea-bashing soap box in 2013, when she tweeted, "You don't love hummus you love pita chips you liars!" (via CheatSheet).


Regardless of how Teigen feels about hummus, however, it's a healthy snack for those looking for something filling and nutritious. According to Healthline, it has a low glycemic index (so it won't spike blood sugar levels), is high in fiber and plant-based protein, and contains plenty of anti-inflammatory vitamins and minerals.

