Here's How Much White Castle Employees Really Make

White Castle is a popular fast food chain that's known especially for its trademark sliders. According to its website, White Castle started small in 1921 and its founder, Billy Ingram began the journey with small, delicious hamburgers. White Castle is now a massive brand with thousands of employees and a simple mission: to offer their customers scrumptious food options across the country.


As an employer, White Castle is committed to diversity and inclusivity. White Castle also emphasizes that it takes its employees needs' seriously, and offers them opportunities such as scholarships to help them succeed on the job and achieve many milestones during their time at the restaurant. A description on the company website reads, "Just like our famous Sliders, jobs at White Castle keep our team members coming back for more too. When it comes to memorable dining moments, and rewarding, fun careers, there really is no place else like this."

It's a bit of good and bad at White Castle

According to Indeed, around 62 percent of the employees at White Castle think that they're paid fairly at the company. Some of the benefits associated with working at White Castle include free food, retirement options, life and health insurance, bereavement leave, and more. Cooks at the company are paid around $11.44 hourly while team trainers get $10.76 per hour. Additionally, restaurant staff members get $12.06 hourly, while prep cooks can expect to be paid $9.98 every hour. Also, crew managers receive $15.27 in wages every hour.


According to Glassdoor, the White Castle numbers are slightly different. Crew managers are paid around $14 per hour while cashiers get approximately $9 every hour. Meanwhile, managers get around $17 per hour at the company. As per many employee reviews, working at White Castle requires you to be resilient and comfortable in a stressful, fast-paced work setting. Fast food may not be for everyone but if you're intrigued by the hospitality industry, you may find yourself learning a lot on the job at a company like White Castle. 

