When You Eat A Lot Of Calcium Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body

As a kid, you're told two things: an apple a day keeps the doctor away and if you drink your milk, you'll have strong bones like Superman. While the former is more of an old wives' tale, the latter is true. According to Trista Best, a registered dietitian at Balance One Supplements, eating lots of calcium-rich foods — such as chia seeds, cheese, or yogurt — can have tons of nutritional benefits.


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends 1,000 mg of calcium per day for those 19 to 50 years old. Best told Mashed that by following this guideline, "you are strengthening your bones and protecting them against demineralization," which if left untreated, can lead to osteoporosis. Likewise, according to Best, consuming enough calcium can improve headaches, migraines, support the central nervous system, and improve your mood.

That being said, you may be curious as to how exactly drinking a glass of milk can ease your headache or lift your mood. You might have also heard that taking in too much calcium can have negative effects on the body as well. So, what's the truth? 

Why calcium is so crucial for bone health

Registered dietician Trisha Best explained to Mashed that calcium is crucial for bone health. "Bones are made of a wide variety of minerals, calcium being one of the most important," she continued, adding, "Our bones store calcium and when the body is deficient it leaches this mineral from the bones, making them fragile and brittle."


Best also claims that calcium and vitamin D have been shown to help lower the occurrence of headaches and migraines, especially if "they are connected to a hormonal imbalance in the brain associated with calcium," Best said. In an additional report, the NIH recommends 14- to 70-year-olds consume 15 mcg of vitamin D per day, upping that number to 20 mcg for anyone older than 71. Salmon, soy milk, orange juice, and egg yolks are common examples of vitamin D-rich foods (via Healthline).

Lastly, Best said calcium helps keep the nervous system running smoothly and without delay. "Neurotransmitters are vital to a functional central nervous system [and since] calcium is required to release these into the brain, [they're] responsible for mood stabilization and hormone balance," she said.


It's clear, calcium should be your friend. However, Best warns that consuming too much calcium, particularly in supplement form, can possibly impact your heart health negatively (like leading to coronary artery calcification, for example). To play it safe, stay within the guidelines and if you're concerned about your calcium intake, consult with your doctor.

