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This Giant Bag Of Gummy Bears At Costco Is Turning Heads

The following is going to sound like insanity. You'll be tempted to laugh it off like you would if we tried to convince you that New Coke should make a comeback, or that a slice of Papa John's is better than a slice of Di Fara's in Brooklyn, New York


Stop thinking about Haribo as the king of all gummy bear manufacturers. Yes, it's true (if you believe The Telegraph) that Justin Bieber is a die-hard fan of the company's magical, gelatin-filled sweets. Even Prince Harry once survived off of Haribo gummy bears in his army days, while in Afghanistan. But, as Oprah recently helped the world see, Harry's changed his mind about a lot of things of late. There's no reason he can't have changed his gummy bear allegiance, too. 

Costco shoppers, at least, have a clear, non-Haribo gummy bear favorite. They come in massive, 2.5-pound bags. And Instagram handle @costcodeals recently found them at its local store for just $6.99. 

Have you converted to Albanese gummy bears yet?

The pictures that @costcodeals post of Albanese Ultimate 8 Flavor Gummi Bears was met with "mmms," "dudes," "babes," "these are the bests," and lots and lots of exclamation points. Naturally.

According to Albanese Candy, the makers of these other-worldly treats, flavors in the bag include Alphonso Mango, Amity Raspberry, Asian Pear, Black Currant, Blood Orange, Crimson Cranberry, Fuji Apple, and Queen Pineapple. They're made "combining natural flavors and colors from real fruits and vegetables," and are dairy-free, fat-free, gluten-free, and artificial-color-and-flavor-free, to boot. "Taste and texture have always been our bottom-line, and we have never cut a single corner on ingredients," Bethany Albanese said in a statement (via Vending Market Watch).


The candy's Amazon reviews confirm. "Hold on to your hats! This will absolutely blow your mind!!!," wrote one convert. "These things are great! I love the flavors and the thickness is perfect," raved another. If you haven't tried them yet, what's taken you so long?

