Aldi Fans Can't Get Enough Of These Frozen Crab Cakes

Crab cakes have graced tables longer than you might imagine. According to Costas Inn, these delicate seafood fritters stem back to pre-colonial times. Native Americans cooked up the first crab cakes and shared the recipe with the first settlers in Maryland. Due to the lack of refrigeration and risk of food spoilage, tourists and locals originally had to flock to the Maryland and Virginia coastline to enjoy fresh crab cakes, giving birth to a culinary tradition that continues to this day. Thanks to modern technology, we can get Maryland crab cakes shipped anywhere in America, and thanks to Aldi, we can pick up a bag of these delicacies for a great price. 


Instagrammer @theamazingaldi discovered Aldi now carries five-packs of Fremont Fish Market's crab cakes, featuring a blend of real and imitation crab. They posted a picture of the find, alongside the caption "Crab cakes! Yes, these are the ones in the frozen section and they're actually really good try them!" Shoppers love the find, responding to the post with glowing comments, like, "I saw four bags, I bought them all. When you see them, you have to get them." Another added, "Yummy in [an] air fryer with crab cake sauce." Once you see the price tag, you can't say no to these treats.

Aldi crab cakes at the perfect price

According to the post, a bag of these crab cakes go for $3.99, making them an absolute steal if you crave some extra seafood in your life. The Fremont Fish Market brand that pedals these crab cakes have also made waves recently with their other seafood products. Instagrammer @aldi.mademedoit found the brand's beer battered fish fillets, and people went wild for the product's quality, responding to the post with replies ranging from, "We tried these and LOVED them.. I went back and got 2 more boxes!" to "Tried these in air fryer...will be getting more!" 


Fremont Fish Market has truly hit their stride, and their recent crab cakes set an incredibly high bar. If you feel tempted to try these new crab cakes, make sure to take the trip down to your local Aldi soon. With all the buzz, you don't want to get left behind on this deal that guarantees to turn you into a believer of how delicious these crab cakes are.

