Why Krispy Kreme Made It Into The Guinness Book Of World Records

Krispy Kreme doughnuts are well-loved by its customers, who wait for the "hot" light to come on at one of its stores — signifying that its glazed delights have just freshly come out of the oven.

With more than 1,000 locations worldwide according to a 2015 press release issued by the doughnut company, the company offers doughnuts in nearly two dozen countries (via Business Wire). While that, in itself, seems like a milestone, Krispy Kreme has made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for a very different reason (via Guinness World Records). 


In 2009, Krispy Kreme was recorded into the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records for having the "largest box of doughnuts." 

According to Guinness, the giant box of doughnuts weighed in at a massive 135 kg — or 297 pounds, 10 ounces. The box was produced by the Kuwait Food Co., measured 19 feet, 4 inches long; 13 feet, 5 inches wide; and 2 feet, 10 inches deep. The box, which was an exact replica of a regular-sized Krispy Kreme box, took 2,700 doughnuts to fill. The record-breaking box was certified into the Guinness Book of World Records in Kuwait (via Guinness). However, it wouldn't be a world record if someone else wasn't trying to break it with their own giant box of doughnuts.

There have been attempts to outdo Krispy Kreme's doughnut record

In 2011, Voodoo Doughnut, a doughnut company based in Portland, Oregon, constructed a giant box of doughnuts in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record. Today reported that the box weighed 666 pounds and was filled with about 3,880 doughnuts. The box, constructed in Portland, Oregon for the city's Brunch on the Bridge event, was witnessed by a notary and scale master. Though the pink doughnut box was truly massive, according to the Guinness website, the record set by Krispy Kreme still stands, as there is no official record of the Voodoo Doughnut stunt. 


Instead of breaking records by filling doughnut boxes, other competitors try to fill their stomachs. In 2016, competitive eater Matt Stonie ate a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts in 34.05 seconds. Stonie, who holds over a dozen world records, recorded the feat in a YouTube video called, "12 Krispy Kreme Donuts Destroyed."  The eater, however, didn't snag a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for that feat, as evidenced by his website, which lists his 2016 records for eating gyros, Moon Pies, and pancakes — but no doughnuts.

