Bobby Flay's New Project Is Inspired By His Cat Nacho

"Meow" said Bobby Flay's Maine Coon cat, Nacho, on Instagram. It seems that the celebrity chef's pet got bored of just being Flay's virtual arm candy. Instead of getting lovingly photographed in sun-spotted windowsills, next to succulent indoor plants, and on plush green armchairs, Nacho has rolled up his sleeves and is trying something new. In mid-February 2021, Flay's cat posted a professional headshot, trying to attract his 221,000 followers to his Instagram project page: @madebynacho. And the page has already caught the attention of prominent cat influencers. The once 33-pound @IAmBronsonCat, and the special needs @sunglasscat approve of Nacho's posts. 


But the famous cat didn't make a new Instagram just to be purred at. And Flay's not calling his cat a "founder" for nothing. Nacho is cooking something up. However, it seems the cat's project is top secret for now. Although, Nacho assures us that "if you're a cat, you'll want to know." In order to be the first to find out, you can add yourself to Nacho's mailing list on his new webpage. You're welcome.

Bobby Flay's made by Nacho project is raising eyebrows

How soon do we have to wait until we know exactly what Flay's irresistibly cute cat has been cooking up? After signing up on Nacho's website ourselves, we were sent an email hinting that Nacho's product line will launch this spring. "All cats make biscuits... please tell me you're makin biscuits," begged the Food Network's Sunny Anderson when she heard the news on social media. (For what it's worth we think that Sunny Anderson's dog, Gary Gumbo, should meet up with Nacho. They both have exceedingly advanced social media skills for non-humans).


At least Anderson is looking forward to Nacho's big reveal. Because when Flay announced the new project on his Instagram, his celebrity chef bestie, Giada De Laurentiis had a slightly different take on the initiative. "Is 'what [Nacho's] been up to' in his litter box?" she joked.

