The Reason Intuitive Eating Might Be The Most Beneficial Diet

If you're on a wellness quest, food and drink restrictions might seem like a given. However, intuitive eating, an evidence-based approach to eating that was first introduced by two registered dietitians in the '90s, encourages quite the contrary. According to Food Network, one of the main goals of this method is to cultivate trusting your own body and instincts. In other words, eat when you're feeling hungry and don't eat when you're feeling full. It may sound simple (which it very well can be), but there's a working process behind this approach. 


Intuitive eating co-founder Evelyn Tribole, RD, spoke with Health to review the top ten principles, which begin with rejecting the diet mentality. Tribole told the outlet that her and nutrition therapist and co-founder, Elyse Resch, RDN, came up with intuitive eating after watching their parents' vicious cycles with dieting. "We were sick of the insanity they were going through: They'd restrict themselves and lose weight, but then they'd gain it back and they'd blame themselves," Tribole said.

Intuitive eating can help you re-establish a healthy relationship with food

Once you've said goodbye to dieting, which can actually contribute to overeating, Tribole mentioned you should pay attention to your body's hunger cues and take in a sufficient amount of calories and carbohydrates. By doing so, it can become a lot easier to trust your instincts and repair rocky relationships with food. 


Tribole also mentioned that while you should give yourself "unconditional permission to eat," it's important to honor your feelings without food. So if you struggle with overeating when you're anxious, lonely, or bored, Tribole told Health that part of this approach involves finding other ways to nurture yourself. 

With all of this talk about eating, well, anything, the least controversial part about this method is that you should still incorporate healthy meals. "We still encourage healthy eating, but we know that comes naturally when you embrace the other principles first," Tribole said.

Overall, intuitive eating is making sure you meet the true needs of your mind and body. There are no limitations or restrictions involved, which can lead to deprivation and ultimately, hunger pains. By maintaining a proper balance and checking in with yourself, this approach can help you change your habits for the better. 


