Trader Joe's Shoppers Are Divided On These New Thai Noodle Flavors

Trader Joe's has managed to emerge as a strong name in the retail space, giving its competitors a run for their money. As reported by Forbes, the company has some solid strategies to make sure that it's a strong contender. Here is a fine example: the company's marketing strategy is fairly straightforward. It ensures that its customers get to try new products at Trader Joe's, a tactic that really helps the brand get noticed among its customers, as they experiment with new things at the store.


As for the products offered by Trader Joe's, customers have plenty of enticing options to choose from such as Hatch Chile Chicken Wraps, French Onion Mac and Cheese, Kibbeh, Plantain Croutons, and more. According to Food52, these are some of the best picks at Trader Joe's this year. Sadly, despite its best efforts, not all products from Trader Joe's manage to impress customers. One of the best examples of this is a new pack of Thai noodles that are attracting both praise and criticism from shoppers. This is why.

Trader Joe's Thai noodles have some disadvantages

An Instagram user alerted shoppers to the Garlic Sauce Thai Noodles at Trader Joe's, adding that it's also possible to buy the same noodles with peanuts, if garlic isn't your jam. Or opt for the red curry flavor for a bit of extra spice. A commentator voiced their disappointment and wrote that they would have preferred a gluten free version of the noodles. Another shopper complained that the noodles are only available in fish sauce, which makes it restrictive for those who aren't permitted to eat fish. 


To be fair, several Instagram users mentioned that they're quite excited to try these packs at home and treat themselves to noodles. But you may want to reconsider if you're health-conscious. These noodles aren't really healthy and are a blow to your diet. You're looking at 410 calories for each serving, coupled with unhealthy ingredients that aren't really diet-friendly. Yikes. Do yourself a favor and opt for something healthier instead, such as the gluten free pizza that comes equipped with a healthy cauliflower crust.

