Only 12% Of People Would Want This YouTube Chef As Their Personal Chef

Cooking is an art, without a doubt. Thanks to the times we are living in, we have a chance to get exposed to plenty of culinary legends as well as home chefs who've managed to make a mark for themselves through their talent and extraordinary skills in the kitchen. Some of the most noteworthy examples include filmmaker Andrew Rea from the YouTube show Binging With Babish, cookbook author and YouTube star Joshua Weissman, celebrity chef Laura Vitale, and more.


But what do viewers think about the culinary legends that they've been exposed to so far? Is there a chef who's managed to impress them a lot more than the others? We decided to explore this further and find out the answers. A Mashed survey attracted 656 participants, asking them to choose the YouTube chef they're most likely to want in their homes as a personal chef. Whose cooking skills stood out the most? Read on for the full lowdown. The results are fascinating, to say the least.

Most readers aren't impressed with Andrew Rea

Participants voted for their favorite YouTube chef, choosing from an impressive list that included some reputed and competitive names from the site. Participants could also choose to bypass all the choices and fill in the "other" option, chosen by 17.53 percent of respondents.


The most popular pick was Cupcake Jemma at 20.27 percent, followed by Laura Vitale with 15.85 percent. Joshua Weissman took 13.11 percent, while Rosanna Pansino had 11.74 percent. The least popular pick? Brothers Green Eats, at 8.99 percent.

Andrew Rea from Binging With Babish wasn't a popular pick for participants — he was chosen by 12.5 percent of those answering the survey. Note that Rea, more popularly referred to as Babish, started his work on YouTube many years ago: in 2006, to be precise. His cooking channel is believed to massive. As per his official website, Rea is self-taught and loves experimenting with his culinary skills, giving fans a glimpse into his experiments. Impressively, his YouTube channel has over 8.5 million subscribers. His channel description reads, "Binging with Babish is the realization of a young(ish) man's dream to combine his love of film and cooking, and to have some fun in the process."


Many of the Mashed survey's respondents said that they are simply not knowledgeable as far as YouTube chefs are concerned and wouldn't be motivated to pick any of them to be their personal chef. 

