How Are Prime Now And Amazon Fresh Different?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began and social distancing measures have been enacted, many people have been trying to find ways to do simple pre-COVID tasks as safely as possible. From supporting their local restaurants to buying clothes online, e-commerce purchasing has experienced quite the boom. Digital Commerce 360 reports that in addition to the increase seen in places like China, the United States, and Europe, countries like Mexico, India, and Russia that were slow to adopt e-commerce initially also experienced a big boom as well. 


With more and more people looking to get things like groceries, electronics, and more through the internet, it's understandable that they would look at online retail giant Amazon for buying more than just books. In recent years, Amazon has released things like Amazon Prime Now and Amazon Fresh. But, when it comes to purchasing items from both services, is there a difference? Or are they the same?

Each service carries its own distinction that can suit your unique needs

Although Amazon Fresh initially carried a $14.99 monthly fee, per Chowhound, both services are now something that come tied in with your regular Amazon Prime account. In addition to that, buyers can also get groceries from both services. According to Profitero, through Prime Now buyers can order things like regular pantry items, electronics, and alcohol, with the added bonus of a local store and restaurant delivery service similar to that of Uber Eats and Postmates.


When it comes to Amazon Fresh, CNET explains you can only get groceries like fresh fruit, vegetables, and other pantry items. But, what about delivery times? With Prime Now, regular delivery windows fall within the range of two to three hours, with a special option of a one-hour delivery time that comes at an additional cost, per Profitero. 

With Amazon Fresh, buyers can choose between a set delivery time that works for them or a two to three hour window. Profitero also notes that there is a difference in delivery fee charges between the two services. Where Prime Now has a $4.99 surcharge for orders under $35, Amazon Fresh has an additional surcharge of $9.99 depending on where you live.

