The Grocery Store Bakery Favored By Nearly 30% Of People

If you have ever made the mistake of going to the grocery store while you were hungry, you probably know that the bakery can be a dangerous section to visit. It always smells amazing, especially when the ovens are fired up and baking up something fresh. Whether you are tempted by fresh bread or the cakes that line the cooler, there's likely something in the grocery store bakery to win over most people. It turns out, however, that some grocery store's bakeries are more popular and enticing than others. 


Mashed conducted a survey of 656 people to find out their favorite grocery store bakeries, and the results were tighter than you might have expected. However, at the end of the survey, the results favored one big box store with a cult-like following. One hint: you will need a subscription to buy yourself anything from its bakery. Costco ultimately won over the most people with 28.96 percent of the votes, which totals up to be 190 people. The next runner up, with 21.49 percent of the vote (or 141 votes in total) was Whole Foods.

These grocery store bakeries were close runners up, though

After Costco and Whole Foods, the other options included Aldi, Trader Joe's, Kroger, and an "other" option. In third place, Kroger earned 18.90 percent of the vote, which means that 124 people voted for the chain. Aldi was the clear loser in the last place with only 5.95 percent of the vote, or 39 people.


The two closest options among voters were Trader Joe's and the "other" category. Trader Joe's received 12.5 percent of the vote, which amounted to 82 people. The other category, with only less than a fraction of a point, received 12.2 percent, or the votes of 80 people. Some of their write-in opinions named Safeway, Shop Rite, Sam's Club, Giant Eagle, and BJ's. Others named Lidl, HEB, Walmart, and Wegman's. The overwhelming majority wrote in Publix, though, which does have an incredible bakery, from their sandwiches to the pastries in the case. Whatever your favorite grocery store bakery might be, however, you will still want to be careful not to venture in on an empty stomach.

