Chrissy Teigen Doesn't Care What You Think About Her Expensive Wine Mistake

President Joe Biden might follow Chrissy Teigen on Twitter, but if you don't, here's the story she told about a dinner out and an expensive wine mistake. John Legend and Chrissy Teigen were at a restaurant and asked the waiter for a wine recommendation. (So far, so good, right?) "The waiter recommended a nice Cabernet," Teigen recounted via tweet. Chrissy and John took the recommendation, and, as she says in her tweet, didn't even finish the bottle. "We got the bill and it was 13,000 dollars," she continues. "HOW DO U CASUALLY RECOMMEND THAT WINE?" 


Naturally, the entire, disgruntled, let's-find-a-bone-to-pick Twitterverse answered, with comments like: "I buy my wine by the box. I suppose we're in different tax brackets," "Did you recover? Meanwhile people are out here drowning in debt, losing their homes, and can't afford to see a doctor," and "Ha ha. Yes, I'm always buying obviously expensive things up front without first knowing the exact price and how it fits in my budget first. What a hilariously relatable experience."

All right, stop. First: Are we really, truly, honestly surprised that Teigen goes to restaurants where $13,000 bottles of wine are on the menu? It's hardly a secret that Chrissy and John live like millionaires. Because they are. Second: Chrissy Teigen doesn't care what you think.


Chrissy Teigen responds to internet snark over her wine incident

Okay, she cared enough to respond. "Hey, not everything I say on my Twitter is going to be relatable to you because it is my life and my Twitter and my stories," Teigen wrote, after her wine tweet went viral. "I see your tweets. I get your jokes. You are so funny. Yes, you really nailed me." 


Of course that wasn't enough, with another commenter complaining, "This was actually relatable to no one, so okay." 

Teigen responded, again, with, "It doesn't have to be." 

Which brings us to this. Can we all stop hyperventilating? Chrissy Teigen isn't running for president. Her Twitter feed isn't a policy statement. You don't have to follow her. And, anyway, we have more serious questions. For example, as New York Times best-selling author, Roxane Gay asked, "Was it good tho?" 

And like journalist Carl Anka wants to know, " What's the protocol on tipping when this sort of thing happens?"

