The Reason Burger King France Drive-Thrus Are Handing Out Bags Of Potatoes

Fast food giant Burger King has already taken several unusual steps to support the global fast food industry during the novel coronavirus pandemic. For example, in November 2020, Burger King UK called on its customers to order from competitors like McDonald's in an effort to support other restaurants and their employees (via Twitter). Then, in December, Burger King France began offering space on its Instagram feed to independent restaurants that had been adversely affected by the pandemic-related lockdowns (via AdWeek). Well, the giving spirit at Burger King continues with a stunning show of solidarity with the farmers who grow one food item that, thanks to the invention of the French fry, may be more synonymous with France than any other: the potato.


As of this week, Burger Kings across France are handing out one-kilo bags of potatoes to each of their drive-thru customers (via B&T). In fact, 200 tons of potatoes were purchased by Burger King to give out to its customers. Read on to learn the wonderful reason why Burger King has decided to help keep French potato farmers feeling "chipper," as they wrote in a message inscribed on each bag.

Here's why Burger King France is going out of its way to help farmers

While the fast food industry has been thriving during the pandemic, the rest of the restaurant industry has not been nearly as fortunate. Pandemic-related closures are common, and as a result, food suppliers are also in trouble, as Burger King noted, per B&T. Burger King France has purchased some of the potato surplus in order to offer both financial and moral support to French farmers who have found themselves unable to sell their produce, and with tons of unsold crops on their hands. And starting on February 2, they have been handing out the potato bags to every drive-thru customer. According to AdAge, Burger King is trying to get the word out through social media and with an ad in the French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche.


"You can help by making a resolution for 2021: to keep buying potatoes," Burger King suggests by way of a message inscribed on each bag. And not just for French fries either. "Wedges, hash browns, roast potatoes and mash—say yes to them all. For the love of spud, let's make this new year a good one," the fast-food-giant-turned-food-industry-hero's message clarifies.

