Yuengling's Newest Beer Is Like Nothing They've Made Before

Yuengling has a long history of serving up classic beers that Americans have come to love. According to Yuengling's website, the brand opened in Pottsville, Pennsylvania almost 200 years ago and generally serves up standard beer, free of novelty. Times have changed, and the beer brand found a recent hit in their Hershey's Chocolate Porter. Yuengling released this specialty beer in September 2020 across the 22 states in bottle and draft form and crowds still can't get enough of it (via PR Newswire). If you have gotten a chance to try this decadent porter but crave something a bit lighter and fruitier, just wait until you're able to sample Yuengling's latest creation.


According to a statement sent to Mashed, fans of fun beers should get ready to experience the next drink Yuengling has in store for us — the Raging Eagle Mango Beer. The beverage, aimed at people between the ages of 21 and 35, blends natural mango flavor into a traditional pilsner, making it a refreshing option that will hopefully help get us through the cold winter months with a splash of fun! The drink comes loaded with a 6 percent ABV content, making it ideal for any party situation or outdoor adventure. Raging Eagle Mango Beer comes in 24 ounce cans and can be purchased at convenience stores anywhere where you can also get regular Yuengling starting on February 2nd.

A refreshing change of pace for Yuengling

The new beer can't compare to anything that the brand has released before. According to the statement, Yuengling's other beers stick to tried and true formulas that crowds have loved for centuries — standards like their signature lager, Black & Tan brew, and light beer sum up their range of beverages. This new mango-flavored beer livens up their current selection, joining their Hershey's chocolate porter as the two sole beverages featuring a food-specific flavor infusion. With the inclusion of Raging Eagle Mango Beer, we might see Yuengling enter a whole new era in 2021. 


If you live in an area where you can regularly find Yuengling products, keep your eyes peeled for this new creation hitting stores soon. With flavors this bold, you'll want to try out the flavor packed drink. Who knows, maybe you'll even discover your next favorite beer! Grab a pack while you can — this beer guarantees to score some points with anyone looking to have a good time and you don't want to miss the hype.

