Denmark McDonald's Workers Get Paid Twice As Much As Americans. Here's Why

The McDonald's brand is known around the world. And some would say the chain takes care of its customers as well as its staff members. As per Indeed, many McDonald's employees across the United States make more than $10 an hour (some make a bit ver $9). Plus, many team members can take advantage of several perks such as a Stock Purchase Plan, special discounts, education benefits, health insurance, and more.


Interestingly, your working environment and perks can depend on things like where you're based in the world. For example, a Redditor wondered what it's like to work for a McDonald's in New Zealand. While we can't confirm the accuracy of the answer, a commenter wrote that one of the best parts about their job was that they got a chance to befriend a lot of people. There were plenty of challenges, though, such as working for over a month without a break on account of absentee coworkers. Meanwhile, McDonald's employees in Denmark get paid a lot more than their American counterparts. It's true! Read on for the details.

There are several factors that need to be considered

Senator Bernie Sanders recently went viral on Twitter after the politician pointed out that McDonald's workers in Denmark receive as much as $22 an hour coupled with perks like life insurance, pension, annual leave, and more. Sanders added, "America must join the rest of the industrialized world and ensure that our working class can live with dignity." His words led to strong reactions.


Some Twitter users pointed out that Denmark relies heavily on unions that help workers get access to the benefits they enjoy. Another Twitter user responded that it's important to keep in mind the fact Denmark does have far more taxes than the U.S. and it's also more expensive to live there. A New York Times piece shed more light on this, noting that over four-fifths of Danish workers have collective bargaining contracts and very seldom go on strike. They also benefit from "sectoral bargaining," whereby contract negotiations are applied to an entire business sector instead of an individual company. This essentially means that whether Danes choose to work at Burger King or McDonald's, they don't need to fret over the pay and can rest easy knowing that it'll be equal, no matter where they are.


