Read This If You Just Bought Popcorn From Publix

At-home movie nights or mid-day snacking just don't feel right without a bowl of fresh popcorn by our side. If you get tired of cooking up microwaveable popcorn, nothing hits the spot like a bag or canister of pre-popped popcorn ready for snacking. If you have been picking up this treat from Publix, make sure to check the brand. According to MSN, the FDA issued a recall on Bickel's Snack Foods' 8-oz. Butter Flavored Popcorn due to the item containing milk. The affected products display the UPC code 70175 06021 and have a best by date of March 29, 2021 (via MSN).


According to Fox, the affected bags appear exclusively at Publix locations across Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia, and the mislabelling occurred when Bickel's Cheddar Flavored Popcorn accidentally got mislabelled as Butter Flavored Popcorn. If you don't have a dairy sensitivity, you might just notice that your regular popcorn tastes extra cheesy, but for anyone with severe dairy allergies, this mix-up can prove life-threatening. Make sure to either throw away the affected bags or contact Publix in order to set up an exchange (via MSN).

A worst-case scenario mix-up

Despite the recall launching two days ago, no one has been seriously hurt due to the mislabelling (via Click Orlando). In addition to the UPC number, you can also check for the GTIN code 0 70175 06021 5. If you think you might have picked up this regional popcorn snack, check your pantries now and take the proper precautions — you wouldn't want an allergic reaction to ruin this excellent snack. 


Keep an eye out for more developments and double check any Bickel's popcorn you buy for the affected codes before placing the item in your shopping cart. You can plan to switch for now and enjoy some other popcorn brands until the recall formally comes to a close, and to be extra safe, hold off on buying popcorn if you swear by Bickel's. Just make sure to remain vigilant for more updates and snack carefully for now!

