Jeni's Everything Bagel Ice Cream Is Turning Heads

The artisanal ice cream maker Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams has a knack for quirky, untraditional flavors. We're not sure anyone else has thought to marry Bananas Foster and crème brûlée, but that's what Jeni's did with its brandied banana brûlée. Jeni's also gets creative with special-edition flavors, such as the Joe Biden-inspired White House Chocolate Chip, with chocolate-covered pieces of waffle cone. (This flavor was released sometime around Inauguration Day and is already sold out.)


But Jeni's is really pushing the envelope now. They've introduced what might be called the mimosa of ice creams. No, don't think orange juice and champagne (although the Jeni's crew might be working on that as we speak). Just as the mimosa and the Bloody Mary broke barriers by making it acceptable to drink alcohol in the a.m., Jeni's wants to convince you that its Everything Bagel ice cream should be a breakfast staple.

Jeni's teased the concept of ice cream for breakfast on Instagram back on January 5, almost three weeks before introducing the Everything Bagel flavor. The company held a contest asking people to post pictures of themselves eating Jeni's for breakfast. The winner was promised a "steady supply of Jeni's." Now they have a flavor that fits the most important meal of the day.


People can't wait to taste Jeni's Everything Bagel ice cream

Everything Bagel is a cream cheese ice cream with butter, streusel, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, garlic, onion, and salt. Jeni's claims that the flavor's creators went into a spontaneous dance when they first tasted Everything Bagel — it was that good.


The online community isn't sure what to think. Instagrammer @the_undead_foodie1 found a pint of Everything Bagel at a Central Market, a small gourmet-grocery chain in Texas. "Everything bagel is freaking delicious, but will it be awesome in ice cream form tho," @the_undead_foodie1 asked. One of their commenters said, "Seems like it would be gross, having the everything bagel/onion flavor, but they wouldn't sell it unless it was yummy. I might have to go buy it."

Instagrammer @the_undead_foodie1 promises a review later. They may have been among the very first to get their hands on a pint of Jeni's Everything Bagel. The Instagram post is from January 24. Hypebeast reported the flavor was hitting stores and Jeni's ice cream shops on the 25th.


Shortly after @jenisicecreams announced the new flavor on Instagram, poster Elaine Gounaris commented that she had tried a bite of it. "RUN, DO NOT WALK, TO YOUR CLOSEST JENI'S SHOP OR MARKET," Gounaris wrote, apparently not realizing her caps-lock was on. "It's a little culinary treat, that's for sure."

