Everything You Need To Know About Mary McCartney Serves It Up

If you're a major Paul McCartney fan, then you likely already know about the long-lasting legacy of his late wife, Linda, who was an advocate for meat-free dining. In fact, her line of plant-based frozen meals was among the very first to hit grocery stores in 1991 (via Vice). While she was certainly ahead of her time, their daughter Mary (who looks a lot like Linda), is picking up where her mom left off. After directing a film in 2019 on Linda's work to promote vegetarianism, Mary is now stepping into the spotlight herself (via Paul McCartney).


According to Variety, Mary has written vegetarian cookbooks in addition to her career as a photographer, but now she is teaming up with Food Network to film a new cooking show. Food Network announced the exclusive series, Mary McCartney Serves It Up, will begin streaming on discovery+ come Thursday, February 4. You will, however, need to subscribe to the streaming platform to watch her show. Food Network has also partnered with McCartney to offer cooking classes through the Food Network Kitchen app for a fee as well, per Variety.

What to expect from the show

If you haven't already bought into the latest streaming service to watch all of the shows and channels that fall under the Discovery umbrella, you might wonder exactly what McCartney's show will feature before taking the dive. According to Food Network, McCartney will cover everything from breakfast dishes to desserts with vegetarianism in mind. They describe her as "a pro at turning simple, classic recipes into dishes with over-the-top flavor." Of course, she'll accomplish this with her classic style, too.


To top it all off, McCartney's episodes will include a roster of her celebrity friends as guests invited onto the show. Among the famous scheduled to share the set with McCartney are Kate Hudson, Gayle King, Nicole Richie, and Cameron Diaz, per Food Network. It's sure to be a cooking show unlike any other and a welcome change to vegetarian viewers. So, add it to your queue and be sure to tune in on February 4.

