The Shocking Amount Of Empanadas John Cena Had To Eat For A Scene In The Suicide Squad

As a WWE legend, John Cena dieted on egg white omelets, oatmeal and raisins, protein bars, chicken breasts, rice and vegetables, tuna, and pita bread (via Men's Health). Once and a while, he probably indulged in steak, which is a favorite of his according to his ex, Nikki Bella (via YouTube). But, on the set of Hollywood movies, things are different for the up-and-coming actor.


Remember the insane amounts of candy that Will Farrell had to down on while filming Elf? For his role as Peacemaker in the upcoming film, The Suicide SquadJohn Cena may have Farrell beat in the hard-to-stomach department. Peacemaker (real name: Christopher Smith), according to Screen Rant's research, is no one to mess with. He's the scarred-for-life son of a Nazi war criminal and has one goal: to force peace at any cost, including violence. Peacemaker apparently stocks up on money and military-grade weapons, and he really likes (wait for it) ... empanadas.

Peacemaker's empanada addiction became Cena's empanada overdose

To be fair, Peacemaker doesn't go around eating empanadas in the same way that Deadpool obsesses over chimichangas. He certainly doesn't down as many as The Flash, with his superhuman metabolism, could. But that doesn't mean that John Cena's commitment to Peacemaker's empanada craving isn't very, very admirable. During WarnerMedia's CCXP panel in December 2020, John Cena described a rooftop scene he shot as Peacemaker. "I had to eat an empanada, and I took it upon myself to try to eat the entire empanada in a seamless take thinking that it'll look great," Cena explained (via Delish). But eating an empanada "seamlessly" proved harder than he had imagined, and "it was also a complicated shot for [the cameraman]." Cena narrated, "31 empanadas later we got it right."


How did the 31 empanadas sit with Cena? "I was able to like penguin waddle out of there and just relax and unbutton," he admitted. He continued: "but people are going to see the movie and nobody's gonna care so please, remember the empanadas." John Cena, if you're out there, we commit to watching The Suicide Squad for the empanada scene alone.

