Martha Stewart's Thrifty Vinaigrette Trick Changes Everything

If you're a mustard fan and can't bear to throw away the last bits that stick to the sides of the jar, America's very own domestic diva Martha Stewart says there is no reason to give up and toss the bottle, just because the dregs look like they're beyond your reach. Like most things in your kitchen, a little of something can go a long way with a bit of cooking magic. 


"You never can get all the mustard out of the jar, so just put your olive oil right in the jar, put a little bit of lemon juice in the jar, salt, pepper, a little shallot, shake it up, and you have the most delicious salad dressing," Stewart says, as she shared her mustard hack on the Today show in January 2021. Saving the last bits of mustard to make a vinaigrette isn't the only thing Stewart wants you to save either. She says the jar is worth saving too, because "you can use it over and over again."

Not all of Martha Stewart's hacks are popular

Not all of Martha Stewart's cooking hacks have been as enthusiastically received as her mustard jar-inspired dressing. Stewart has gotten some heat over the way she says she prepares scrambled eggs: with the milk frother of her high-end coffee machine. Because as she put it, "It steams the eggs into the softest, fluffiest scrambled eggs. And, in just a matter of seconds, your eggs are finished. These eggs are buttery and fluffy and light and delicious" (via Insider). In a blog post on the website that carries her name, Stewart revealed she picked up the trick from New York chef Jody Williams.


Suffice it to say, the internet was not amused. One user then commented, "Yeah because we all have commercial espresso machine sitting in our kitchens. And also anyone try to make eggs with my espresso streamer is getting toss (sic) out of the building." Another social media user asked Twitter for a show of hands to indicate how many people had an espresso machine with a milk frother, and how many had a skillet they might cook their eggs on.

At least a dressing made with the dregs found at the bottom of a mustard jar isn't likely to cause any ripples.

