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These Egg And Sausage Breakfast Burritos Have Costco Shoppers Divided

Costco constantly brightens our dull food days by offering fun and popular brands in large quantities and at affordable prices, and these breakfast burritos are a prime example. Don Miguel has been serving up Mexican-inspired foods since 1908, and these great bites include scrambled eggs, pork sausage without antibiotics, two cheese and potatoes with green chiles in Don Miguel's signature hand-stretched tortilla. The 7-ounce, individually wrapped burritos come in a six-pack and sell for $8.99 (via Delish).


Fans are highly enthusiastic about these microwavable burritos, which have topped the list at My Recipes for vacation breakfast. One eater described their burrito love: "Omg I'm OBSESSSSSSED with the product. I wish they also came in smaller sized burritos" (via Instagram). Another happy eater wrote, "I get these every week! So good!!" Having eaten many a Don Miguel burrito ourselves, this writer would agree that they are pretty unparalleled for an affordable and fast breakfast. 

There's a downside with anything though, and the biggest complaints for these morning foods are users noting that hot sauce is needed to get a full flavor punch with the eggs, or missteps in prep that can leave the tortilla a little soggy. These burritos can also be hard to find. Costco Buys posted their find from Michigan, but one reader says, "Where?!? Houston area has been out of stock for months. I check 3 locations weekly." 


Making things even more confusing, this is not the only Don Miguel breakfast burrito at Costco retailers. 

Not your commonly found Don Miguel burrito

While the packaging and brand name look very similar, you should note that the six-pack discussed is different than another product also available at Costco. Described as whole eggs, sausage, and three cheese in a hand-stretched tortilla, (via Costco Business Delivery) this frozen variety will not give you the rave reviews you've seen from the deli packs. The Costco Business package features 12 different 7-ounce burritos that retail for $17.69 per frozen package. The best description of these burritos might be "that breakfast snack you get from the work vending machine" as this author can personally attest. The larger pack is made for bulk purchase and is design to be very long lasting — and it's definitely not the same.


It should be no surprise that a frozen breakfast burrito is less enjoyable than fresh food. This bulk buy is widely sold and not exclusive to Costco, which is why this Amazon reviewer may describe things the best. "The egg and cheese filling in these burritos has the consistency of coarse ground beef with no seasoning, accompanied by weakly flavored sausage 'pellets' that resemble something you might find left behind by a rabbit, goat, or a small deer. You do the math on that one. Mostly, however, this is ALL tortilla, with some kind of egg and cheese-ish flavored goop that holds everything inside..." (via Amazon). 

So remember, grab the six-pack breakfast burritos with chiles and avoid the freezer aisle. Breakfast is served!


