Read This Before You Order A Muffin From Dunkin'

We've long been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but when your day is packed with a long to-do list, it can be hard to squeeze in. Luckily, breakfast spots like Dunkin' Donuts offer quick breakfast options for even the busiest schedules. With over 8,500 restaurants in 41 states across the U.S., grabbing a cup of joe and a sugar-glazed donut might be your go-to as these famous donut places are virtually everywhere, per Dunkin' Donuts. But next time you find yourself reaching for a healthier option at this chain and decide to go for a muffin, you might want to think again and maybe consider sticking to the donut afterall. The reason why, might surprise you. 


Muffin from Dunkin' Donuts contains more calories than its donuts

In case you haven't noticed, muffins are significantly bigger and heavier than most donuts. According to Health Digest, that means more use of flour, sugar, oil and more calories. For example, the popular Dunkin' Donuts Pumpkin Muffin contains a whopping 550 calories a serving. Not to mention, it also has 24 grams of fat, 38 grams of added sugar and a mere two grams of fiber (via Dunkin Donuts). Doesn't sound all that healthy, does it? Not to mention, if you go with the muffin, there might not be any room left for a latte if you stick to the recommended 2,400 calories a day, as recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


Seems like an easy decision, especially when compared to the Pumpkin Donut, which has a total of 360 calories, 22 grams of fat, 20 grams of added sugar and one gram of fiber (via Dunkin Donuts). It might be a better option to just ditch the muffin all together and stick to the donut.

So whether you're looking for a fall themed treat or a quick breakfast option, the choice with the lesser calories would be the donut. But if you're looking for a less sugar-packed donut, consider ordering a classic like a glazed or jelly donut, with each being under 300 calories. Both options are sure to satisfy your aching sweet tooth.

