The Most Nutritious Kind Of Dried Fruit Might Surprise You

The Center for Disease Control reports that only one in ten American adults consumes the recommended amount of fruits in a day. According to the CDC report, guidelines dictate that adults should eat between one and a half to two cups of fruit daily. Regardless of your favorite fruit, there are two ways you can consume fruits to help you reach your daily goal. One way is by munching on fresh fruits, the second is by chowing down on dried fruits. According to Fit Day, dry fruit consumption can provide the body with a variety of essential minerals, vitamins, fiber, and phytonutrients (WebMD cites that phytonutrients help prevent disease). Fit Day also notes that fresh fruit has higher benefits than dried fruit, but that dried fruit shouldn't be ostracized. 


With so many options of dried fruit like apples, apricot, and lychees, you might be wondering which is the best to eat. It may come as a surprise, but the best choice is peaches, according to Fit Day, as a half a cup of dried peaches contains 6.5 grams of fiber, 34 percent of the daily recommended dose of vitamin A and 18 percent of the recommended dose of iron. Healthline reports that, overall, peaches pack tons of nutrients, antioxidants, and immune-supporting benefits.

Peaches are nutritious, delicious, and perhaps material for starting a war

Due to their nutritious and oh-so delicious nature, there is a local legend that dates back to 1655 citing that one Native American girl's love for the peach caused an international incident in pre-colonial American territory. reports that this young woman entered a peach orchard owned by Henry Van Dyck within a Dutch colony that was near present-day New Jersey. It is said that Van Dyck, upon seeing the girl, shot and killed her. This was met with a fierce response from the Susquehannock Nation and other Native Americans. The Peach Tree War was said to have resulted in the death of 100 Dutch soldiers (with another 150 being captured). But a Medium report cites that this local legend might not be more than a sensationalized misunderstanding. 


The report explains how the area along the North River Valley, which encompassed what is now the Hudson County, NJ, Manhattan, Bronx, and Staten Island, had once belonged to Sweden from 1638 until 1655 when the Dutch took over. The war was a response of the Susquehannock (who had allied with the Lenape) to the Dutch coming in and taking the lands. It is said that the Native Americans led a coordinated attack that lasted three days before a treaty was signed. Stories aside, it's clear that peaches are worth every bite.

