This Giant Cinnamon Butter Coffee Cake Has Costco Shoppers Drooling

Unsolicited opinion: The #costcobakery hashtag is one of Instagram's hidden treasures. Type in the letters, hit enter, and wander through virtual rows of fresh berry cream pies, pumpkin cheesecakes, and apple cinnamon brioches. And as you drool over cookies and cream cupcakes, apple strudels, and mini crodots, give in to the inevitable: hours and hours filled with sweet, sweet daydreams.


There are some Costco bakery treats, of course, that are more tried and more true than others. Year after year, Costco fans discover that one of them is a giant cinnamon butter pound coffee cake, and year after year, they drool. We're such fans of the cake ourselves that we'd like to think that Costco's cinnamon butter pound coffee cake is the sole reason that, per Business Insider, the likes of Lana Del Rey, Mandy Moore, Megan Fox, Mark Zuckerberg, Ryan Seacrest, and Barack Obama like to shop at the grocery chain. Obama was even photographed inside a Costco bakery once. Ergo and obviously, he was there for the coffee cake.

Costco's cinnamon butter coffee cake is an undisputed classic

The first trace we can find of Costco's cinnamon butter coffee cake is from 2008 when a forum participant on Youbemom raved that the cake was "one of the best things I've EVER tasted!" In 2014, Costco Couple found the delicacies in a local store, copiously photographed them, and captioned them hungrily, "I love buttery pound cake and these look delicious!" Amazingly, Costco is still charging the same price ($6.99) for its cinnamon butter coffee cake as it was six years ago.


This year, when Instagram handle @costcodeals spotted it in Costco's bakeries, its post raked in comments to the tune of "I want one so bad," "OH WOW," and "we have to get this." The cake, which is baked with a butter pound cake base and a cinnamon sugar swirl, is covered with butter streusel topping and iced with Danish icing, according to Costco's bakery description. It weighs in at 44 ounces, or 2.75 pounds, which means you really should share it, but we wouldn't.

